Our Start

He sat in her living room – part of a panel discussion featuring those that seemingly have a magical ability to speak out courageously for the things they care about. A speed-talking university student filled with all kinds of knowledge was wowing the group assembled. He described himself as a first generation, Latinx-American, the first in the family to go to college, studying “how to save the world” sustainably, and without hesitation, raising his fist and voice to protect the future for himself and others who have their futures ahead of them. Rhonda watched in awe - how do we all grow up to be like Brian? So she decided to follow his Youth Climate Strike group and attended several of their activities. After marching to the state capitol in solidarity with them and other groups working to advance climate action, Rhonda had an “a-ha” moment. What about a giving day for the environment?  

Because she had helped start Arizona Gives Day when she was serving as board chair for the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, she had that experience and many others to connect a few dots, do a bit of research and Earth Gives was b-earthed.

While steeped in the nonprofit arena, Rhonda was shocked to find at how little philanthropy was directed toward environmental organizations. Then she came across an opinion piece in the Chronicle of Philanthropy from Larry Kramer, then head of the Hewlett Foundation. It was a “scream from the rooftops” call to foundations to reconsider where they focused their investments. It solidified her resolve to advance with the concept.

Because climate action requires massive shifts, mobilizing individuals to shift some of their generosity and time to environmental nonprofits is a central focus. The largest giving community is made up of individuals. Individuals also have the power of their voice, vote, volunteerism, and consumer habits.

We also seek to belong, connect, be of service, have impact.

As a lifelong connector, former journalist, PR professional, strategist and creative thinker, Rhonda is excited to catalyzing environmental and climate-focused investment and engagement through pushing on norms, centering community, and tapping the power of well-framed messages to invite people to move toward the solutions. 

Starting from scratch in 2021, Earth Gives started building its foundation. By 2023 Rhonda was adding to the database, making more than 1,000 calls across the country to build trust and learn more about the amazing organizations on the front lines, doing the work locally and globally.

We always remember our first, don’t we? The Western Environmental Law Center was it for us, thanks to our founding board member, George Basch. Along came groups like Blue Scholars Initiative, Wild at Heart, and Prairie Heritage. Then more like REAP Goodness, Terragraphics International Foundation, and the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group. In 2023 we joined forces with Third Act, the Climate Justice Alliance, Ecocycle, Project Drawdown, Conservation Northwest and many others.

Rhonda and her modest team of early adopters, volunteers, advisors and supporters have made for humble beginnings and a great foundation for collective, connected, collaborative action. 

Together, more is possible.

Each of us can contribute, though. With our votes, our voices, our food choices, our skills and our dollars. We must overhaul both corporate practices and government policies. We must transform culture. Building community around solutions is the most important thing. I am never going to give up working to protect and restore this magnificent planet.

-Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, A Love Story for the Coral Reef Crisis